Renewing Grace • Relentless Mission • Redemptive Community
In a world of brokenness, Seven Rivers seeks to be a place where hearts and homes are healed by the love of God.
“Religion,” the default mode of the human heart, is “I obey—therefore I am accepted.” But the gospel of grace is “I am accepted through Christ—therefore I obey.”
Nearly everyone thinks Christianity is another form of “religion.”
But when the gospel is communicated clearly, it not only amazes and attracts those who don’t believe, it helps Christians grow in grace who are mired in the self-righteousness, pride, and anxiety that moralism produces.
In a world of self-absorption, Seven Rivers seeks to bless our world with deeds of compassion, mercy, and grace.
The gospel removes any sense of superiority toward those who don’t share our beliefs. We respect and remember what it is like to seriously doubt Christianity.
We, therefore, expect not-yet-believers in almost every facet of our ministry and we make every effort to engage and address their questions and concerns.
Jesus didn’t save us just with words, but mainly through his deeds…his work. The gospel demands that every recipient of God’s grace surrender the illusion of self-sufficiency.
This removes all superiority toward the poor. It equips us to use our gifts and resources to love our neighbors not just in word, but through deeds of sacrificial love.
The gospel brings us a unique perspective on God, human nature, the material world, the direction of history, and the importance of community.
All of these inevitably influence the way we work, whether in business, government, healthcare, service industries or the academy.
Therefore, we help Christians integrate their faith with their work in order to serve the common good of the whole city.
The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for the numerical growth of the Body of Christ, the renewal of existing churches, and the overall impact of the church on the culture of our area.
Nothing else—not crusades, outreach programs or para-church ministries—will have the consistent impact of dynamic, extensive church planting.
In a world of disconnection, Seven Rivers seeks to be a place of unusual devotion to one another.
God’s purpose in history is not simply to save individual souls but to create a new humanity, a people with a communal life that reflects, to some degree, the future kingdom of God.
We are to see people united in love who could never have been brought together without the power of the gospel to humble, affirm and transform their identity.
Christians are, therefore, not simply come to church to receive inspiration and information, but are to give themselves to real community and personal relationships.
Seven Rivers Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America.
Church Office
4221 W. Gulf to Lake Hwy
Lecanto, FL 34461