
SVR - Kids Logo Files-02-1

Ages 0 - 2nd Grade

What is Seven Rivers Kids all about?


At Seven Rivers Villages Church, our mission is to help you begin building your child’s spiritual understanding of God and His crazy love for them simply because He made them!

Jesus is the King of all things! He came to us once, long ago in Bethlehem to seek a people and build His Kingdom, and He will return one day to fix everything that is broken, to heal every hurt, and to restore people to Himself and in relationships with each other. While we are here on earth as His people, our job and our joy is to worship Him and to work with Him building His Kingdom with justice, grace, and mercy.

We are here to communicate the Gospel to your children in the most creative and energetic, yet peaceful and effective ways possible. We aim to do this by providing a safe and loving atmosphere for your little ones for the duration of the Worship Service.

We utilize age-appropriate games, toys, crafts, songs, lessons, and activities in each age group to engage and teach your children. More than anything in the world, we want all our children here at Seven Rivers Villages Church to learn to love Jesus for the rest of their lives.

When You Arrive

It can be daunting to walk into a new place, but our greeters will help you find your way and you’ll feel comfortable in no time! Plan to arrive a little early so that you can get a head start on checking your kids in at the check in station.

After The Service

After the service, when you come pick up your child (remember your pick-up tag!), they will have an activity page and maybe a craft to show you that will give you a good idea of what they learned during their “church.” You may also opt in to our Seven Rivers Kids Parent Emails that we send periodically. We hope to see you again soon!

How Do We Keep Kids Safe?


We have safety nametags for the children to wear and guardian tags that you’ll need to keep with you for pick-up. Only the matching ticketholder may retrieve the child. Additionally, if we need you for any reason during the worship service, we will display your family’s “secret code” on the bottom corner of the screen.

For children in diapers, we ask that you fill out a small card each Sunday indicating whether you give a trained staff member permission to change their diaper or would rather have us notify you. The same goes for feeding snacks or bottles. Please communicate anything that will make us better at helping your child enjoy their time with us in Seven Rivers Kids.

Good Health Practices

Children who show signs or symptoms of fever or any contagious disease should not be brought to Seven Rivers Kids.

Please notify us right away if your child comes down with any illness after being with us. We want to do our best to alert the other parents of possible exposures.

What About Staff and Volunteers?

Each of our nursery staff and volunteers are carefully screened and all appropriate background checks are thoroughly administered.

Each staff member and volunteer in the nursery receives ongoing training in the care of young children. Most of our staff serving in the nursery are CPR certified within the last 2 years. And we encourage annual or bi-annual re-certification.

Maybe most importantly, each of the nursery staff has a big heart, a great love for children, and a desire to help them have a wonderful experience with Seven Rivers Kids.