
Mission Trip to Japan


You can be part of a great mission opportunity!

A ministry team comprised of adults and high school age students are needed to work with a larger team of volunteers from churches across the U.S. to serve missionary families and national Pastors who will be gathering from throughout the nation of Japan for a Church Planting Conference.

This unique conference is an opportunity for missionaries to meet together for a time of training, fellowship, and spiritual renewal.


The Japanese need to know Jesus!

Japan, though small by geographic standards, has over 127 million people and is a monolithic, largely pantheistic and atheistic society. They are a progressive people surrounded by wealth, technology and convenience. But they are without any knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their history and culture is virtually devoid of Christian influence in any form with only 0.22% (about 1/5 of 1%) of Protestant worshippers professing faith in Christ.


Missionaries need renewal.

The missionaries in Japan represent various countries from around the world all working to advance the Gospel and plant churches. Though safe and free to preach the gospel, it is a challenging and difficult task taking years to see results. Faithful to the call, many missionaries work tirelessly, often in isolation far away from their own cultural comforts. As a result, burn-out and discouragement often plague the missionaries and their families; therefore, training, fellowship and rest are vital to the health of missionaries. It is important for them to get away for a season of renewal in order to stay current, relevant and focused in their ministry.

Japan CPI is a conference that offers missionaries an opportunity to meet with fellow co-workers, participate in training, enjoy fellowship, experience spiritual renewal and be energized for ministry. Japan CPI was organized by a community of inter-denominational church leaders who realized the need and desired to collaborate with one another in order to advance God’s Kingdom in Japan through starting, growing and multiplying gospel-centered churches and church planting movements.


No matter your ability, you can be an integral part of this mission team. Anyone with a love for God, a servant attitude and the ability to be cheerfully flexible is a great candidate for Mission Japan 2022.

Your participation will help to keep the cost of the conference financially affordable for the missionaries and free up manpower so that ministry leaders are able to attend and benefit from the conference. The opportunity to serve in Japan is an awesome privilege and there are many venues to serve in a wide range of capacities.

Help is needed in the following areas:

  • Medical — nurses/doctors
  • Childcare
  • Youth ministry
  • Bible teachers / helpers
  • Crafts
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Sports / recreation
  • Snacks
  • Video / photography
  • Decorations...and the list goes on…

