It doesn’t have to be this way. At Seven Rivers Church, we believe in grace that forgives our biggest mistakes and love that heals our deepest wounds. We are broken people who have experienced God’s love and forgiveness in our own lives, and we want to help you experience the freedom we have found.
If you have lost a child to abortion and now suffer from guilt, regret, and shame, we can connect you with women who can help. Our Women’s Ministry Team is here to support you and to connect you with Citrus Pregnancy Center, where you can talk with trained staff and volunteers, many of whom have walked in your shoes.
If you have not personally had an abortion but are a concerned mother, sister, or friend, you can still reach out to our Women’s Ministry Team or the Citrus Pregnancy Center for help in walking alongside the women in your life affected by abortion.
Contact our Women’s Ministry Team at Seven Rivers by calling (352) 746-6200. You can also reach Robyn Shipes. All calls and emails are strictly confidential.
To be directed to women at Citrus Pregnancy Center who are trained to help, call (352) 341-5176 (24-hour hotline). All calls are strictly confidential.
4221 W. Gulf to Lake Hwy
Lecanto, FL 34461
Phone: (352) 746-6200
Fax: (352) 746-6299
Office Hours:
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM