
Women's Ministry

We Were Not Created To Do Life Alone

Seven Rivers Women's Ministry believes that community is a vital part of how we experience the renewing grace of the gospel and prepare to take part in God's mission.

God did not create us to do life alone; we need one another's help on the journey towards Christlikeness. Because we understand the important role community plays in our walk with Jesus, Seven Rivers Women's Ministry wants to provide opportunities for all women--regardless of age, life stage, background, or beliefs--to experience redemptive community.

Please check out the various opportunities we have to offer to see which one is the right fit for you.

If you are unsure, feel free to reach out Robyn Shipes (Women's Ministry Director) or Miriam Hart (Assistant Director)

We would love to help you find a place to grow.


Women's Small Groups
Open To All Women

the momco logo

Mom Community


Mom's Next Season
For Moms of 1st-12th Graders