The Parables of Jesus

Brandon Lauranzon
Sep 23, 2020 11:30:55 AM

We are in the third week of an on-line study of six of Jesus’ most famous parables about living in the Kingdom of God.

Each class includes a cinematic film that re-creates the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual impact of the original parable. The teaching time is a conversation between two pastors with a live audience.

Watch The Parables Of Jesus Classes 

A new class video is made available every Wednesday at 6:30 PM, and it can be watched at your convenience any time throughout the week.

Class Schedule
September 9 Class 1: Hidden Treasure
September 16 Class 2: Samaritan
September 23 Class 3: The Shrewd Manager
September 30 Class 4: The Widow And The Judge
October 7 Class 5: The Sower
October 14 Class 6: Prodigal Sons




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